Union Station
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Union Station Los Angeles Master Plan Video

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Union Station is the region’s primary transit hub, connecting Southern California counties whose combined population totals more than 17 million.

Make sure to check out the video below.

Union Station Aerial
Union Station Aerial

Union Station

Metro purchased the iconic downtown LA station in 2011.

More than 60,000 travelers and commuters access the station’s transit providers, which include Metro bus and rail lines, Metrolink commuter rail, Amtrak long-distance rail, and numerous municipal carriers and specialty shuttles with connections to downtown Los Angeles. As Measure R funds Metro’s system expansion, the station is expected to see upwards of 100,000 boardings per day.

The Master Plan will develop Metro’s vision and plan to guide future development at the station, including transit operations and new private and/or public real estate development.

Project Goals

  • Celebrate the site’s history – The Master Plan will celebrate the station and embrace all adjacent neighborhoods’ rich history, providing for development that complements the station’s architecture and heritage to reinforce the station’s place in history.
  • Improve the passenger experience – A program of improvements — including upgraded signage, improved transfers, and expanded services — will be designed to enhance each passenger’s visit.
  • Create a great destination – Building on the significant attributes of the station, the Master Plan will shape the city’s premier destination for transit users, residents and visitors. Potential enhancements include creating a public space that is sensitive to the site’s historic and cultural fabric and adjacent neighborhoods.
  • Prepare for High-Speed Rail – The Master Plan will be flexible to accommodate anticipated future arrival of high-speed rail (HSR).

Metro also recognizes the need for greater accessibility to Union Station from surrounding neighborhoods – and has initiated a separate study to look specifically at pedestrian and bicycle improvements in the areas around Union station. This Linkages Study will be closely coordinated with the Union Station Master Plan.

Learn more on their website.

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