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Although we try to make sure we provide as much content for on our own, via assistance through our Public Relations contacts, some news stories may fall between the cracks. If you would like to help us get out “breaking news”, you can use our submission contact form below.

If there is a Travel news story that is breaking, up coming, and/or something you feel should be talking about, please reach out and tell us about it at info @ (without spaces).
Please bear in mind, by simply emailing us your story or article, that doesn’t mean it will automatically go up on Although we would love to be the first website that breaks Travel news stories, we do not want to ruin our reputation by posting information that is inaccurate. We will make a concerted effort to verify your submission before it goes LIVE onto the site.
If you do not see your news story on the site, it can mean a multitude of things. Either we haven’t gotten to your news story yet, we are still verifying the content of your news story, or we didn’t feel the news story fit with what the readers have grown to expect. We try and get to everyone’s email submission as quick as we can. With that said, there is no need to email us the same news story multiple times.
When emailing us, make sure to let us know if you do or do not want your name associated with your news story submission.
If you’re interested in becoming a city news site correspondent, you may also email us. We are always looking for city experts for our many city news sites. If applicable, please include links to websites you currently, or formally submitted to.